


module Main(main) where

import System
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import System.Time
import Data.Char

data CompareMode = Newer | Older deriving Eq

readMode contents = case contents of
  'n':xs -> (Newer, xs)
  'o':xs -> (Older, xs)
  _ -> error "n/o"

endOfLine contents = case contents of
  x:xs -> (x == '\r') || (x == '\n')
  _ -> True

readInteger contents last = readIntegerInternal contents 0
    readIntegerInternal rs value = case rs of
      x:xs -> if x == last 
        then (value, xs)
        else if isDigit x
          then let result = value * 10 + ((ord x) - (ord '0')) in
            if endOfLine xs 
              then (result, xs)
              else readIntegerInternal xs result
          else error "parsing"
      _ -> (value, "")

skipAll contents = case contents of
  x:xs -> skipAll xs
  _ -> return ()

main = do 
  arguments <- getArgs
  case arguments of
    [fileName] -> do
      fileClockTime <- getModificationTime fileName
      fileTime <- toCalendarTime fileClockTime
      handle <- openFile fileName ReadMode
      contents1 <- hGetContents handle
      let (mode, contents2) = readMode contents1 in do
      case contents2 of
        ',':contents3 -> do
          let (hour, contents4) = readInteger contents3 ':' in do
          let (min, contents5) = readInteger contents4 '\0' in do
          skipAll contents5
          hClose handle
          if (hour >= 24) || (min >= 60)
            then putStrLn "error:range"
            else if (mode == Newer) == ((ctHour fileTime) * 60 + (ctMin fileTime) > hour * 60 + min)
              then putStrLn "ok"
              else putStrLn "ng"
        _ -> error "\",\""
    _ -> putStrLn "usage:"


