
"Open Scripts Folder"で開かれるフォルダにAppleScriptを入れると、TextWranglerのメニューにも出現しますので、後はOS標準機能でもってメニューにキーを割り当てるだけ。
insert begin.scpt

tell application "TextWrangler"
	set firstLineIndex to startLine of selection
	set lineLength to length of line firstLineIndex of front text document
	set InsertionText to "begin" & return
	repeat lineLength + 1 times
		set InsertionText to InsertionText & tab
	end repeat
	set the selection to InsertionText
	set insertionPosition to (characterOffset of selection) + (length of InsertionText)
	select insertion point before character insertionPosition of front text document
end tell

insert end.scpt

tell application "TextWrangler"
	set insertionPosition to (characterOffset of selection) - 1
	select (characters insertionPosition through insertionPosition) of front text document
	set the selection to "end"
	set insertionPosition to (characterOffset of selection) + 3
	select insertion point before character insertionPosition of front text document
end tell