

  (* 2.3:
  identifier ::= 
     identifier_start {identifier_start | identifier_extend} *)
  let rec identifier () = p_do (
    identifier_start @=>
    !// Buffer.of_char @=>
    (identifier_start @|| identifier_extend) /*/ Buffer.add_char_r @=>
    !// Buffer.contents
    : string p_type
  (* 2.3:
  identifier_start ::= 
     | letter_lowercase
     | letter_titlecase
     | letter_modifier
     | letter_other
     | number_letter *)
  and identifier_start () = p_do (
    p_symbol_i_range 'A' 'Z' @|| p_symbol_range '\x80' '\xff'
  (* 2.3:
  identifier_extend ::= 
     | mark_spacing_combining
     | number_decimal
     | punctuation_connector
     | other_format *)
  and identifier_extend () = p_do (
    p_symbol_range '0' '9' @|| p_symbol '_' @|| p_symbol_range '\x80' '\xff'
  (* 2.4:
  numeric_literal ::= decimal_literal | based_literal *)
  and numeric_literal () = p_do (
    based_literal @|| decimal_literal
  (* 2.4.1:
  decimal_literal ::= numeral [.numeral] [exponent] *)
  and decimal_literal () = p_do (
    numeral @=>
    !// Buffer.of_string @=>
    (p_symbol '.' @&& numeral) /?/ Buffer.add_char_string_r @=>
    exponent /?/ Buffer.add_string_r @=>
    !// Buffer.contents
  (* 2.4.1:
  numeral ::= digit {[underline] digit} *)
  and numeral () = p_do (
    digit @=>
    !// Buffer.of_char @=>
    (p_symbol '_' @?&& digit) /*/ (fun buffer (s, d) ->
      if s = Some '_' then Buffer.add_char buffer '_';
      Buffer.add_char buffer d;
    ) @=>
    !// Buffer.contents
  (* 2.4.1:
  exponent ::= E [+] numeral | E - numeral *)
  and exponent () = p_do (
    p_symbol_i 'E' @=>
    !// Buffer.of_char @=>
    (p_symbol '+' @|| p_symbol '-') /?/ Buffer.add_char_r @=>
    numeral // Buffer.add_string_r @=>
    !// Buffer.contents
  (* 2.4.1:
  digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 *)
  and digit () = p_do (
    p_symbol_range '0' '9'
  (* 2.4.2:
  based_literal ::= 
     base # based_numeral [.based_numeral] # [exponent] *)
  and based_literal () = p_do (
    base @=>
    !// Buffer.of_string @=>
    (p_symbol '#') // Buffer.add_char_r @=> 
    based_numeral // Buffer.add_string_r @=> 
    (p_symbol '.' @&& based_numeral) /?/ Buffer.add_char_string_r @=>
    (p_symbol '#') // Buffer.add_char_r /%>/ "\'#\' required." @=>
    exponent /?/ Buffer.add_string_r @=>
    !// Buffer.contents
  (* 2.4.2:
  base ::= numeral *)
  and base () = numeral ()
  (* 2.4.2:
  based_numeral ::= 
     extended_digit {[underline] extended_digit} *)
  and based_numeral () = p_do (
    extended_digit @=>
    !// Buffer.of_char @=>
    (p_symbol '_' @?&& extended_digit) /*/ (fun buffer (s, d) ->
      if s = Some '_' then Buffer.add_char buffer '_';
      Buffer.add_char buffer d;
    ) @=>
    !// Buffer.contents
  (* 2.4.2:
  extended_digit ::= digit | A | B | C | D | E | F *)
  and extended_digit () = p_do (
    digit @|| p_symbol_i_range 'A' 'F'
  (* 2.5:
  character_literal ::= 'graphic_character' *)
  and character_literal () = p_do (
    p_symbol '\'' // p_ignore @=>
    p_any_char /// (fun warn p () c -> 
      if c < '\x20' then warn p "This is not a graphic character.";
    ) @=>
    p_symbol '\'' // p_ignore /%>/ "The character literal should be closed." 
    : char p_type
  (* 2.6:
  string_literal ::= "{string_element}" *)
  and string_literal () = p_do (
    p_symbol '\"' // p_ignore @=>
    !// Buffer.create_empty @=>
    string_element /*/ Buffer.add_char_r @=>
    p_symbol '\"' // p_ignore /%>/ "The string literal should be closed." @=>
    !// Buffer.contents
    : string p_type
  (* 2.6:
  string_element ::= "" | non_quotation_mark_graphic_character *)
  and string_element () = p_do (
      p_symbol '\"' // p_ignore @=> 
      p_symbol '\"'
    ) @|| (
      (p_symbol_range '\x00' '\x21' @|| p_symbol_range '\x23' '\xff') /// (fun warn p () c -> 
        if c < '\x20' then warn p "This is not a graphic character.";


module Utilities = functor (Env: PARSING_ENV) -> struct

  type p_pos = Env.position_key;;

  type 'a p_type = unit -> p_pos -> Env.t -> ('a * p_pos) option;;

  let rec p_do (f: 'a p_type) (_: p_pos) (e: Env.t) = (
    f () (Env.position e) e

  (* parser *)

  let p_any_char () (p: p_pos) e = (
    match Env.peek e with
    | Some r -> 
      Env.junk e;
      Some (r, p)
    | None -> None

  let p_symbol c () (p: p_pos) e = (
    match Env.peek e with
    | Some r -> 
      if r = c then (
        Env.junk e;
        Some (r, p)
      ) else (
    | None -> None

  let p_symbol_i c () (p: p_pos) e = (
    match Env.peek e with
    | Some r -> 
      if Char.uppercase r = c then (
        Env.junk e;
        Some (r, p)
      ) else (
    | None -> None

  let p_symbol_range cf cl () (p: p_pos) e = (
    match Env.peek e with
    | Some r -> 
      if r >= cf && r <= cl then (
        Env.junk e;
        Some (r, p)
      ) else (
    | None -> None

  let p_symbol_i_range cf cl () (p: p_pos) e = (
    match Env.peek e with
    | Some r -> 
      let u = Char.uppercase r in
      if u >= cf && u <= cl then (
        Env.junk e;
        Some (r, p)
      ) else (
    | None -> None

  let p_position () (p: p_pos) e = (
    Some (Env.position e, p)

  let p_set_position v (_: p_pos) e = (
    Some (v, Env.position e)

  (* value combinator *)

  let p_ignore x _ = x;;

  (* postfix *)

  let ( !// ) f v (p: p_pos) (_: Env.t) = (
    Some (f v, p)

  let ( !/// ) (f: (p_pos -> string -> unit) -> p_pos -> 'a -> 'b) v (p: p_pos) e = (
    Some (f (Env.warning e) p v, p)

  (* infix left to right *)

  let ( // ) (s: 'a p_type) func v p (e: Env.t) = (
    begin match s () p e with
    | Some (x, p2) -> Some (func v x, p2)
    | None -> None

  let ( /// ) (s: 'a p_type) (f: (p_pos -> string -> unit) -> p_pos -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c) v (p: p_pos) (e: Env.t) = (
    begin match s () p e with
    | Some (x, p2) -> Some (f (Env.warning e) p v x, p2)
    | None -> None

  let (/?/) s f v (p: p_pos) (e: Env.t) = (
    match s () p e with
    | Some (x, p2) -> Some (f v x, p2)
    | None -> Some (v, p)

  let rec ( /*/ ) s f v (p: p_pos) (e: Env.t) = (
    match s () p e with
    | Some (x, p2) ->
      ( /*/ ) s f (f v x) p2 e
    | None -> Some (v, p)

  let ( /%</ ) s message v (p: p_pos) (e: Env.t) = (
    begin match s v p e with
    | Some (_, (_: p_pos)) as r -> r
    | None -> 
      Env.error e p message;
      Some (v, p)

  let ( /%>/ ) s message v (p: p_pos) (e: Env.t) = (
    begin match s v p e with
    | Some (_, (_: p_pos)) as r -> r
    | None -> 
      Env.error e (Env.position e) message;
      Some (v, p)

  (* infix right to left *)

  let ( @|| ) s1 s2 () (p: p_pos) (e: Env.t) = (
    let r1 = s1 () p e in
    begin match r1 with
    | Some (_, (_: p_pos)) -> r1
    | None -> s2 () p e

  let ( @&& ) s1 s2 () (p: p_pos) e = (
    let i = Env.position e in
    begin match s1 () p e with
    | Some (v1, (p2: p_pos)) ->
      begin match s2 () p2 e with
      | Some (v2, (p3: p_pos)) -> Some ((v1, v2), p3)
      | None -> 
        Env.rollback e i;
    | None -> None

  let ( @?&& ) s1 s2 () (p: p_pos) e = (
    let i = Env.position e in
    let (r1, p2) = (
      match s1 () p e with 
      | Some (x, pr) -> (Some x, pr)
      | None -> (None, p)
    ) in
    begin match s2 () p2 e with
    | Some (r2, (p3: p_pos)) -> Some ((r1, r2), p3)
    | None -> 
      Env.rollback e i;

  let ( @=> ) s1 s2 v (p: p_pos) e = (
    let i = Env.position e in
    begin match s1 v p e with
    | Some (r1, (p2: p_pos)) ->
      begin match s2 r1 p2 e with
      | Some (_, (_: p_pos)) as r2 -> r2
      | None -> 
        Env.rollback e i;
    | None -> None
