

(* ocamlc -pp "camlp4r" -c utf.ml *)
module Ucs4 = Int32;

type ucs4 = Ucs4.t;
type utf8_string = Bigarray.Array1.t int Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt Bigarray.c_layout;
type utf16_string = Bigarray.Array1.t int Bigarray.int16_unsigned_elt Bigarray.c_layout;
type utf32_string = Bigarray.Array1.t int32 Bigarray.int32_elt Bigarray.c_layout;

value utf8_max_length : int = 6;
value utf16_max_length : int = 2;

value set = Bigarray.Array1.set;
value get = Bigarray.Array1.get;
value sub = Bigarray.Array1.sub;
value length : _ -> int = Bigarray.Array1.dim;

value copy source =
  let result = Bigarray.Array1.create (Bigarray.Array1.kind source) (Bigarray.Array1.layout source) (Bigarray.Array1.dim source) in (
    Bigarray.Array1.blit source result; 

value to_utf8_i ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (code: int) (dest: utf8_string) (length: ref int) = (
  length.val := if code land 0x7fffff80 = 0 then (Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 code; 1)
    else if code land lnot (1 lsl (5 + 6) - 1) = 0 then (Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 (0b11000000 lor code lsr 6); 2)
    else if code land lnot (1 lsl (4 + 12) - 1) = 0 then (Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 (0b11100000 lor code lsr 12); 3)
    else if code land lnot (1 lsl (3 + 18) - 1) = 0 then (Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 (0b11110000 lor code lsr 18); 4)
    else if code land lnot (1 lsl (2 + 24) - 1) = 0 then (Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 (0b11111000 lor code lsr 24); 5)
    else (Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 (0b11111100 lor code lsr 30); 6);
  tails code dest (pred length.val)
    where rec tails code (dest: utf8_string) i = if i < 0 then () else (
      Bigarray.Array1.set dest i (0b10000000 lor code land (1 lsl 6 - 1));
      tails (code lsr 6) dest (i - 1)));

value to_utf8 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (code: ucs4) (dest: utf8_string) (length: ref int) =
  to_utf8_i ?invalid_sequence (Ucs4.to_int code) dest length;

value from_utf8_i ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf8_string) (length: ref int) =
  let lead : int = Bigarray.Array1.get data 0 in
  let code = if lead land 0b10000000 = 0 then (length.val := 1; lead)
    else if lead land 0b11100000 = 0b11000000 then (length.val := 2; lead land 0b00011111)
    else if lead land 0b11110000 = 0b11100000 then (length.val := 3; lead land 0b00001111)
    else if lead land 0b11111000 = 0b11110000 then (length.val := 4; lead land 0b00000111)
    else if lead land 0b11111100 = 0b11111000 then (length.val := 5; lead land 0b00000011)
    else if lead land 0b11111110 = 0b11111100 then (length.val := 6; lead land 0b00000001)
    else match invalid_sequence with [ None -> (length.val := 1; lead) | Some exn -> raise exn ] in
  tails invalid_sequence length data 1 code
    where rec tails (invalid_sequence: option exn) (length: ref int) (data: utf8_string) i code = 
      if i >= !length then code else (
        if i >= Bigarray.Array1.dim data then (
          match invalid_sequence with 
          [ None -> (let real_length = length.val in (length.val := i; code lsl (6 * (real_length - i))))
          | Some exn -> raise exn ]
        ) else (
          let tail = 
            let item = Bigarray.Array1.get data i in
            if item land 0b10000000 = 0 then item else (
              match invalid_sequence with 
              [ None -> item 
              | Some exn -> raise exn ]) in
          tails invalid_sequence length data (i + 1) (code lsl 6 lor (tail land (2 lsl 6 - 1)))));

value from_utf8 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf8_string) (length: ref int) =
  Ucs4.of_int (from_utf8_i ?invalid_sequence data length);

value utf8_sequence ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (lead: int) =
  if lead land 0b10000000 = 0 then 1
  else if lead land 0b11100000 = 0b11000000 then 2
  else if lead land 0b11110000 = 0b11100000 then 3
  else if lead land 0b11111000 = 0b11110000 then 4
  else if lead land 0b11111100 = 0b11111000 then 5
  else if lead land 0b11111110 = 0b11111100 then 6
  else match invalid_sequence with [ None -> 1 | Some exn -> raise exn ];

value to_utf16_i ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (code: int) (dest: utf16_string) (length: ref int) =
  length.val := if code >= 0 && code <= 0xd7ff || code >= 0xe000 && code <= 0xffff then (
    Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 code; 1
  ) else if code >= 0xd800 && code <= 0xdfff then (
    match invalid_sequence with
    [ None -> (Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 code; 1)
    | Some exn -> raise exn ]
  ) else (
    let c2 = code - 0x10000 in (
      if c2 >= 1 lsl 20 then (
        match invalid_sequence with
        [ None -> ()
        | Some exn -> raise exn ];
      ) else ();
      Bigarray.Array1.set dest 0 (0xd800 lor (c2 lsr 10));
      Bigarray.Array1.set dest 1 (0xdc00 lor (c2 land (1 lsl 10 - 1)));

value to_utf16 (code: ucs4) (dest: utf16_string) (length: ref int) =
  to_utf16_i (Ucs4.to_int code) dest length;

value from_utf16_i ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf16_string) (length: ref int) =
  let lead : int = Bigarray.Array1.get data 0 in
  if lead >= 0 && lead <= 0xd7ff || lead >= 0xe000 && lead <= 0xffff then (
    length.val := 1; lead
  ) else if lead >= 0xd800 && lead <= 0xdbff then (
    if Bigarray.Array1.dim data <= 1 then (
      match invalid_sequence with 
      [ None -> (length.val := 1; lead)
      | Some exn -> raise exn ]
    ) else (
      length.val := 2;
      let tail = Bigarray.Array1.get data 1 in
      if tail < 0xdc00 || tail > 0xdfff then (
        match invalid_sequence with
        [ None -> ()
        | Some exn -> raise exn ]
      ) else ();
      lead land (1 lsl 10 - 1) lsl 10 lor tail land (1 lsl 10 - 1)
  ) else (
    match invalid_sequence with
    [ None -> (length.val := 1; lead)
    | Some exn -> raise exn ]

value from_utf16 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf16_string) (length: ref int) =
  Ucs4.of_int (from_utf16_i ?invalid_sequence data length);

value utf8_sequence ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (lead: int) =
  if lead >= 0 && lead <= 0xd7ff || lead >= 0xe000 && lead <= 0xffff then 1
  else if lead >= 0xd800 && lead <= 0xdbff then 2
  else match invalid_sequence with [ None -> 1 | Some exn -> raise exn ];

value utf8_of_string (data: string) = 
  let length = String.length data in
  let result = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int8_unsigned Bigarray.c_layout length in (
    for i = 0 to length - 1 do {
      Bigarray.Array1.set result i (int_of_char data.[i]) };

value string_of_utf8 (data: utf8_string) =
  let length = Bigarray.Array1.dim data in
  let result = String.create length in (
    for i = 0 to length - 1 do {
      String.set result i (char_of_int (Bigarray.Array1.get data i)) };

value utf8_of_array (data: array int) = Bigarray.Array1.of_array Bigarray.int8_unsigned Bigarray.c_layout data;

value utf8_of_utf16 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf16_string) =
  let data_length = Bigarray.Array1.dim data in
  let result = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int8_unsigned Bigarray.c_layout (3 * data_length) in
  make invalid_sequence data_length data 0 result 0 (ref 0)
    where rec make (invalid_sequence: option exn) length (data: utf16_string) i (result: utf8_string) j length_buf = 
      if i >= length then Bigarray.Array1.sub result 0 j else (
        let code : int = from_utf16_i ?invalid_sequence (Bigarray.Array1.sub data i (length - i)) length_buf in
        let data_offset = !length_buf in (
          to_utf8_i ?invalid_sequence code (Bigarray.Array1.sub result j 3) length_buf;
          let result_offset = !length_buf in
          make invalid_sequence length data (i + data_offset) result (j + result_offset) length_buf));

value utf8_of_utf32 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf32_string) =
  let data_length = Bigarray.Array1.dim data in
  let result = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int8_unsigned Bigarray.c_layout (6 * data_length) in
  make invalid_sequence data_length data 0 result 0 (ref 0)
    where rec make (invalid_sequence: option exn) length (data: utf32_string) i (result: utf8_string) j length_buf = 
      if i >= length then Bigarray.Array1.sub result 0 j else (
        let code : int = Ucs4.to_int (Bigarray.Array1.get data i) in
          to_utf8_i ?invalid_sequence code (Bigarray.Array1.sub result j 6) length_buf;
          let result_offset = !length_buf in
          make invalid_sequence length data (i + 1) result (j + result_offset) length_buf);

value utf16_of_array (data: array int) = Bigarray.Array1.of_array Bigarray.int16_unsigned Bigarray.c_layout data;

value utf16_of_utf8 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf8_string) =
  let data_length = Bigarray.Array1.dim data in
  let result = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int16_unsigned Bigarray.c_layout data_length in
  make invalid_sequence data_length data 0 result 0 (ref 0)
    where rec make (invalid_sequence: option exn) length (data: utf8_string) i (result: utf16_string) j length_buf = 
      if i >= length then Bigarray.Array1.sub result 0 j else (
        let code : int = from_utf8_i ?invalid_sequence (Bigarray.Array1.sub data i (length - i)) length_buf in
        let data_offset = !length_buf in (
          to_utf16_i ?invalid_sequence code (Bigarray.Array1.sub result j (length - i)) length_buf;
          let result_offset = !length_buf in
          make invalid_sequence length data (i + data_offset) result (j + result_offset) length_buf));

value utf16_of_utf32 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf32_string) =
  let data_length = Bigarray.Array1.dim data in
  let result = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int16_unsigned Bigarray.c_layout (2 * data_length) in
  make invalid_sequence data_length data 0 result 0 (ref 0)
    where rec make (invalid_sequence: option exn) length (data: utf32_string) i (result: utf16_string) j length_buf = 
      if i >= length then Bigarray.Array1.sub result 0 j else (
        let code : int = Ucs4.to_int (Bigarray.Array1.get data i) in (
          to_utf16_i ?invalid_sequence code (Bigarray.Array1.sub result j 2) length_buf;
          let result_offset = !length_buf in
          make invalid_sequence length data (i + 1) result (j + result_offset) length_buf));

value utf32_of_array (data: array int32) = Bigarray.Array1.of_array Bigarray.int32 Bigarray.c_layout data;

value utf32_of_utf8 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf8_string) =
  let data_length = Bigarray.Array1.dim data in
  let result = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int32 Bigarray.c_layout data_length in
  make invalid_sequence data_length data 0 result 0 (ref 0)
    where rec make (invalid_sequence: option exn) length (data: utf8_string) i (result: utf32_string) j length_buf = 
      if i >= length then Bigarray.Array1.sub result 0 j else (
        let code : int = from_utf8_i ?invalid_sequence (Bigarray.Array1.sub data i (length - i)) length_buf in
        let data_offset = !length_buf in (
          Bigarray.Array1.set result j (Ucs4.of_int code);
          make invalid_sequence length data (i + data_offset) result (j + 1) length_buf));

value utf32_of_utf16 ?(invalid_sequence: option exn) (data: utf16_string) =
  let data_length = Bigarray.Array1.dim data in
  let result = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.int32 Bigarray.c_layout data_length in
  make invalid_sequence data_length data 0 result 0 (ref 0)
    where rec make (invalid_sequence: option exn) length (data: utf16_string) i (result: utf32_string) j length_buf = 
      if i >= length then Bigarray.Array1.sub result 0 j else (
        let code : int = from_utf16_i ?invalid_sequence (Bigarray.Array1.sub data i (length - i)) length_buf in
        let data_offset = !length_buf in (
          Bigarray.Array1.set result j (Ucs4.of_int code);
          make invalid_sequence length data (i + data_offset) result (j + 1) length_buf));
