Pervasives.( = )は自力定義できるか?

そういう話をしたのを思い出しましたので、OCaml Meeting 2010 in Nagoyaの聴講メモを書く代わりにやってみました。ていうか何聴いたかうろ覚えですすみません。

(* same as x = y, without Pervasives.( = ) *)
let int_eq (x: int) (y: int): bool =
	try [| true |].(x - y) with Invalid_argument _ -> false;;

(* same as the above, TODO... *)
let float_eq (x: float) (y: float): bool = x = y;;
let string_eq (x: string) (y: string): bool = x = y;;

let eq (type t) (a: t) (b: t): bool =
	let rec rec_eq (a: Obj.t) (b: Obj.t): bool =
		let tag = Obj.tag a in
		if Obj.tag b <> tag then false else
		if tag = Obj.lazy_tag then (
			rec_eq (Lazy.force (Obj.obj a)) (Lazy.force (Obj.obj b))
		) else if tag = Obj.closure_tag then (
			raise (Invalid_argument "equal: functional value")
		) else if tag = Obj.object_tag then (
			int_eq (Obj.obj a) (Obj.obj b) (* compare by address *)
		) else if tag = Obj.infix_tag then (
			failwith "equal: sorry! what is infix?"
		) else if tag = Obj.forward_tag then (
			failwith "equal: sorry! what is forward?"
		) else if tag = Obj.no_scan_tag then (
			failwith "equal: sorry! what is no_scan?"
		) else if tag = Obj.abstract_tag then (
			failwith "equal: sorry! what is abstract?"
		) else if int_eq tag Obj.string_tag then (
			string_eq (Obj.obj a) (Obj.obj b)
		) else if int_eq tag Obj.double_tag then (
			float_eq (Obj.double_field a 0) (Obj.double_field b 0)
		) else if int_eq tag Obj.double_array_tag then (
			let size = Obj.size a in
			if Obj.size b <> size then false else
			let rec double_field_loop (i: int): bool =
				if int_eq i size then true else
				if not (float_eq (Obj.double_field a i) (Obj.double_field b i)) then false else
				double_field_loop (succ i)
			double_field_loop 0
		) else if tag = Obj.custom_tag then (
			failwith "equal: sorry! no way to call custom-operators directly..."
		) else if tag = Obj.final_tag then (
			failwith "equal: sorry! what is final?"
		) else if tag = Obj.int_tag then (
			int_eq (Obj.obj a) (Obj.obj b)
		) else if tag = Obj.out_of_heap_tag then (
			int_eq (Obj.obj a) (Obj.obj b) (* compare by address *)
		) else if tag = Obj.unaligned_tag then (
			failwith "equal: sorry! what is unaligned?"
		) else (
			(* normal block *)
			let size = Obj.size a in
			if Obj.size b <> size then false else
			let rec field_loop (i: int): bool =
				if int_eq i size then true else
				if not (rec_eq (Obj.field a i) (Obj.field b i)) then false else
				field_loop (succ i)
			field_loop 0
	rec_eq (Obj.repr a) (Obj.repr b);;

assert (eq [] []);;
assert (eq true true);;
assert (eq [1; 2] [1; 2]);;
assert (not (eq [1; 2] [1; 3]));;
assert (not (eq [1; 2] [1; 2; 3]));;
assert (eq 1.3 1.3);;
assert (not (eq 1.3 1.4));;
assert (eq [1.1; 1.2; 1.3] [1.1; 1.2; 1.3]);;
assert (not (eq "a" "b"));;
assert (try ignore (eq ignore ignore); false with Invalid_argument _ -> true);;
assert (eq (lazy 1) (lazy 1));;
assert (not (eq (lazy 1) (lazy 2)));;
assert (eq (lazy 1) (let b = lazy 1 in ignore (Lazy.force b); b));;
assert (eq (1, true) (1, true));;
assert (eq [| "a" |] [| "a" |]);;
type s = {a: int; b:int option};;
assert (eq {a = 100; b = Some 200} {a = 100; b = Some 200});;
assert (not (eq {a = 100; b = Some 200} {a = 100; b = None}));;
type v = A | B of int;;
assert (eq (B 10) (B 10));;
assert (eq (object end) (object end));;

struct custom_operationsの中にあるcompare関数をO'Camlから呼ぶ方法がないのでint32なんかは無理げ。C言語でヘルパー書けばできそうですけれども。
あと見ての通りfloat arrayだけ特殊です。これがありなら、char arrayも同じように特別扱いしてstring = char arrayにもできそうなものです。そうすれば.( )と.[ ]で迷うこともなくなるのに……。
